Owner/ Head Instructor at Raja Naga Academy
Guru Derek Owings holds the Guru rank in Pukulan Cimande Kombinasi Pecak Silat under Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs, the Grandmaster of PCK. He sits on the Board of Directors for Pukulan Cimande Kombinasi International as the North American and Tennessee Director, has recieved the Gold Sash Award which is the highest achievement award possible in PCK and is also a Guru of the World Kali-Silat Society. Guru Derek teaches Traditional Pencak Silat and Traditional Indonesian Meditation and Energy Healing at Raja Naga Academy in Murfreesboro Tennessee. For information on Classes or Private intruction see our contact information.


Here are a few words from the those who have trained with us

"I strongly recommend that anyone interested in learning from one of the best Instructors in the PCK Silat System to train with Guru Penglima Derek Owings"

-Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs, Founder and Grandmaster of PCK


There is a saying in our special martial arts that we have been so lucky to have in our lives. The saying goes, " you don't find the art, the art finds you."

You can see Guru Penglima Derek's, passion in his movement and the way that he carries himself. You can see the ancestors clearly chose him, and are guiding him in his martial arts journey. I for one have had the honor to see Guru Penglima Derek, progress into a great Silat practitioner and teacher. Guru Penglima Derek, has earned his rank in Pukulan Cimande Kombinasi through hard work, blood, sweat and tears which I have been witness to all. I'm honored to call him my brother and have the opportunity to train by his side. Guru penglima Derek, has made this art his walk of life, he has great knowledge of every aspect of our martial art system. I would recommend to anyone that has the opportunity to train with him to do so. With great respect I call him my Silat brother. His dedication and contributions to PCK have been invaluable. I look forward to continuing to be a witness to what he does in his life, and the growth of PCK. "Forward With Your Goals and Never Look Back"

Guru Darren Felsot
King Dragon Martial Arts
PCK Florida


Silat is not something that is common knowledge and to understand all the aspects of silat takes a special person. One has to be willing to walk the path of a Warrior Healer much like the shamans and warriors of ancient times. Guru Derek is such a person that can transmit and truly show all aspects of the art to those who are sincere in learning. Now lets talk about pure self defense. Guru Derek has the ability to be lethal in a heart beat and walk away un scathed from any form of danger. If you want to learn how to truly survive and be as deadly as a tiger in the urban jungle I highly recommend you study with Guru Derek Owings. Get ready to learn real Silat.

Guru Santiago Dobles
of Pencak Silat CGSS/ Serak


 Passed down from an honored lineage, across borders and through time Pencak Silat has molded and transformed many a man into a graceful killing machine. I have had the privilege of learning from one of the most dedicated and talented teachers within the art today. Patience, diligence and physical combat combined with internal energy and personal accountability create a learning environment conducive to a deeper understanding of ones own self and the surrounding world. As a true steward of this art Guru Penglima Derek Owings offers individualized training that allows each student to learn and develop at a speed that is applicable not only to group class but also to real life scenarios. My personal journey has taken me from novice beginnings to a more complete understanding of not only our art but also my life outside the classroom. As with the balance between beautiful movement and deadly striking we learn to incorporate these philosophies into our daily lives and interactions with those around us. Through spoken word, guided mediation, intense physical training and the freedom to explore ones true inner light Guru Penglima Derek Owings shows the true path of learning and enlightenment offered by the Ancestors of Pukulan Cimande Kombinasi. With honor and respect to those who have come before us I give great thanks to my Teacher and Friend Guru Penglima Derek Owings.

Selemat, Andrew Moman


"Guru Penglima Derek Owings' dedication and passion for pencak silat are undeniable. Anyone who has talked to him knows this already. Now a couple of months into my study of silat, I've discovered that his dedication and passion are just hallmarks of something I believe to be much more impressive: He has an absolutely unshakable faith in his art and in the applicability of its principles to every aspect of daily life. That level of conviction is what I am most hoping to develop during my training. Honestly, I can no longer imagine approaching pencak silat any other way.

The training itself is fascinating and fun and tailored to the individual student. There are no mindless, repetitive drills, neither are we required to master a single technique before moving on to the next. Instead, we are shown as much as we can absorb and then allowed to apply the techniques in simulations that give us a chance to practice our execution while developing a sense of what techniques are appropriate in a given situation. In two months time, I have been taught what to me seems like a vast repertoire of strikes, take-downs, weapon techniques, energy manipulations, footwork patterns, meditation techniques, and philosophical considerations. I can’t say I’ve truly mastered any of them, but I am confident enough with all of them to feel I have a significant advantage over a student who has been studying some other system for the same amount of time."

Chris Henslee


Guru Derek is the finest and most knowledgeable instructor I have ever trained under.  He is caring and passionate about Silat and a true master of the art.  I have studied Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Doo, JKD, and now PCK Silat.  I wish I would have found this art 30 years ago.  It is one of the most complete and effective in application that I have ever learned.  Guru Derek makes learning fun, but instills and demands dedication to training.  If you are looking for a sport or a pastime, then this is not for you.  If you are seeking an art this is both beautiful and deadly, then you need look no further.  

Todd Moszer


Guru Derek is an incredibly skilled martial artist with a vast wealth of knowledge. He is also very understanding, and I consider myself lucky to be a student of his. When you have someone at his skill level who is actually willing to teach you, the only question you should ask yourself is whether or not you are the caliber of student that will match the caliber of their instruction... And then so your best to learn (and practice!!!)everything you can.

Kevin Pedigo


I was in another style / system before I came to PCK for 10 plus years. I was told "IT" will come out when you need it. As things happen in life I met another practitioner of another style and we had a friendly exchange of ideals and I was not happy with myself. I saw a punch coming but instead of an instinctive reaction my mind was processing the information (deer in the headlight). This encounter made me re-think what teaching and learning martial arts is about. I have always heard the term mind, body and spirit and after my encounter I feel these are very different entities that must be trained independent of each other. The Forms that all arts have is training the body. How to move, to step, to punch, to DO anything is training the body. The mind is involved but not being trained. Training the mind is in sparring / fighting. This is where the mind starts to learn how to react and use the body that you have trained. The mind will get accustomed to a punch or a kick or whatever comes at you. And instead of processing the information it will automatically know what to do which will help keep you calm under pressure and not panic.

I read an article that stated "in old times training was results orientated but today they seem to be theory orientated". I think this is a true statement, at least in my case. And it makes me wonder how can one learn the theory if you do not know how to fight with the principles of the art. To me if you can learn how to fight then you will start to understand the theories. 

PCK seems to maintain the old way of thinking. We go over the Jurus to know how they are performed (structure, etc.). Then use the form to understand what is does and how to use it. Then we apply that to non-choreographed sparring. This is training the body and mind and will give me the understanding of the theory behind the art. I hope I will not have to fight but if I am in that kind of situation this will give me a true confidence and calmness to protect myself and family.

Rich C.


It is no lie to say that I have spent most of my life in search of the supreme martial art and a teacher skilled enough to fully transmit the supreme martial art to me in its entirety. I witnessed innocent men, women and children being killed by invading armed Soldiers when I was just a child barely able to read. I spent years going from Martial Arts teacher to Martial Arts teacher looking for one who was in my mind's eye. My time in the Military afforded me the opportunity to travel the world and learn from many but I could not find that martial art that would contain all that war had taught me was essential to the success of a warrior. 

A supreme martial art has to contain methods that will work armed or unarmed, against multiple armed or unarmed enemies even on terrain that is not convenient to traverse, it has to develop the senses to scan the environment 360 degrees at all times, it has to teach the warrior how to access their weapons in a fraction of a second and it has to develop in the warrior the mind-set of one willing to engage in violent life or death struggles without hesitation. The supreme martial art must also include ways to heal the warrior to include combat expedient healing techniques and long term healing techniques. It has to emphasize a code of conduct that will contribute to the enrichment of the warrior way of life and healing extends to the mind. The life of the warrior can take a great toll on the mind of the warrior and the supreme martial art would have meditation methods to heal the mind of the warrior and ways to gather and channel that healing energy to help or to harm. Beyond these the Supreme Martial Art has to work from standing, sitting or prone positions and be capable of teaching a method that is well integrated to the extent that one does not have to shut off physical principles that have been ingrained and replace them with contradictory principles in order to adapt to a violent encounter. 

The Supreme Martial Art should have the tools it takes to function at every level of the violence spectrum from evading, restraining to crippling and killing and everything in between, every height level and every range has to be covered not with talk of theory but with actual functional methods that are repeatedly trained and lastly the Supreme Martial Art of my imagination had to be small enough that it could actually be learned to a functional level in a fairly reasonable amount of time although mastery is a life long process. As if all that was not utopian enough I wanted the techniques and training methods of this supreme martial art to have come from warrior traditions that had withstood the tests of war and specifically invasion by a relatively modern military armed with firearms.

As it turns out Pukulan Cimande Kombinasi is such a system and Guru Owings is the kind of teacher I have been searching for. I thoroughly vetted his background over a six month period making sure he was not some charlatan without authentic training in the warrior traditions of Indonesia, before going through the process of being interviewed and permitted to attend his school. From what I have been permitted to learn so far this is indeed fitting to the letter what I have been looking for in a complete warrior martial art. I would highly recommend training at the Raja Naga Academy under Guru Owing if and only if the seeker feels a call from deep within themselves to embrace the warrior way of life and walk this difficult path without surrender. It is not for the faint of heart nor for those who need to be coddled to find the motivation to train on their own. This is a place for honorable warriors to be trained by an honorable warrior, nuff said!

Sami Ibrahim


I have been studying in the martial arts since 1998 and have had the benefit of training with some of the best instructors in the industry. Guru Penglima Derek Owings of PCK International is no exception. His love for the art and his love for teaching are immediately apparent. He embodies the vision and values of PCK International while serving as an exemplar to the student. I feel honored to be a part of this organization and to receive world class instruction in one of the most complete martial systems I've encountered."

-Eric Newman

Owner of E Training Blades


I have studied meditation, energy, and spiritual ideology with Guru Peglima Derek for quite a number of years now. He has a warm energy full of wisdom and knowledge. He has guided me through an exploration of my energy field and my spirituality, leading me into a greater understanding of my own darhma(path).

Tre James LMT/ Energy Healer

Dedication To My Teachers

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teacher
Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs
I have had the priveledge of knowing and training under Guru Besar Jerry for almost 20 years now. It has been an absolute honor to be a student and brother to such a knowledgeable and respectable man. His skill, to all who have witnessed him in action is truly astonishing. The thing that has always impressed me the most about him is his generosity. He goes so far beyond what is necessary in class to make sure that beginner and teachers alike, understand what is being taught, without any hesitation . I have been lucky enough to become good friends with Guru Besar Jerry outside of training. His generosity inside the training hall , is paled in comparison to that with which he shows outside. I have seen him help so many people and have personally gained more knowledge and recieved more blessings in my life due to this man's teaching and freindship, it would take two lifetimes to repay that which I owe to him. Training with him has been the single most rewarding thing in my entire life and everthing that I do has been enriched and my life more fulfilling due to learning what he teaches and being his friend.

The other side of Guru Besar Jerry, is the side with which I pray I never have the misfortune to encounter. The ferocity that is unleashed when he puts his skill into action is enough to make the toughest fighter cower. His wealth of knowledge of Pencak Silat as well as all of the other styles that he studied before coming to Silat, has made him into a warrior of the highest caliber. I have seen him do some things throughout the years, that he makes look effortless I might add, that make me feel like I have never trained a day in my life, yet he is one of the most humble and approachable people that I have ever known, and his passion to continue to learn is relentless.

His knowledge of Internal Energy and the Meditative and Spiritual aspects of this art has always been facinating to me. I have also been witness to situations where Guru Besar Jerry has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that his skill in these areas is unquestionably masterfull. Anyone who has seen or been effected by his healing or internal energy work can verify that he is truly gifted. The depth of understanding of the philosophy and internal aspects of such a complex art combined with all of the extra research and extra training in related areas is testament to his dedication and unwavering willingness to better himself, and the amazing thing is that this is for the sole purpose of being able to teach and help others! In todays society masters such as this are very rare.

In the many years that I have known and trained with Guru Besar Jerry I have seen his school go from a small group of devoted followers to an international organization with schools in many states and even countries. This art is no doubt facinating and deadly , and all respects to its founders and great masters are always and will always be given , however it is without hesitation that I say that Guru Besar Jerry Jacobs skill, devotion to this art, and passion to give this knowledge to all who come to learn, is an honor to those founding fathers and no one is more qualified in character or skill to lead this organization. It is an honor to be associated with such an honorable and knowledgable teacher.

Kang Cecep Arif Rahman

Kang Cecep is one of the best Silat teachers on the planet. His skill is unbelievable. For anyone that has seen his scene in The Raid 2, they know he is an amazing Silat practitioner. But those lucky enough to spend time training in person with him know that his skill is light years ahead of what is shown on camera. Kang Cecep is faster and more powerful than anything I have ever imagined possible. The technicality and thoroughness of his knowledge, the depth, is absolutely astounding. He is a master of Cimande, Sera, Cikalong and Sabandar as well as a few other West Javanese and Sumateran styles. We get our PCK Cimande Jurus from Kang Cecep and he has been an invaluable friend to PCK.

Pendekar Ismail Sujadi

Bapak is a very knowledgeable, skilled and humble man, and I have had the honor of being accepted as a student and initiated into his family system of Pasundan Pencak Silat.

Bapak Sujadi was born in Bandung, Indonesia (West Java) in 1959. His career as an artist/painter has brought him all over the world. However, growing up in Indonesia he was instilled with his people's moral values, stories and dreams which he carries with him wherever he goes. He began his study of Silat at the early age of six, learning his family's original style from his father Abah Marjadi who is 86 years old today and only teaches to family members, and from his uncle Mang Aye who passed away in 1995. Mang Aye taught Bapak Ismail mostly the physical aspects including jurus and lankah from Cimande, Cililin, Cikalong, Syahbandar and Sera while Bapak's father Abah Marjadi focused more on tenaga dalam cultivation, meditation and healing. This style was inspired by the local energies and wildlife of West Java adopting movements from the many animals (tigers, eagles, monkeys, and snakes) and from the natural elements (water, wind, earth, fire, etc). This system contains many styles, movements, and short forms and also trains in multiple weapons which Bapak learned in Garut from Mang Ikin beginning at the age of 12, such as the golok, karambit, short stick (tongkat pendek), knife (belati), keris, and even the sarung (sarong) and topi (hat). This art focuses not only on the external pencak silat aspects, but devotes just as much time to internal breathing, energy development, meditation and healing.

Guru Santiago Dobles
for his contribution to my Silat and for his teachings on Tenaga Dallam, Ilmu and Cimande Girang Ilmu Tariqat, from his teacher Bapak Muhammad Zaenal Arifin.

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